mardi 26 mai 2015

Titanium: Show and Create Contact Intent

I was trying to export contacts from my application to the native android contacts.

I found the following solution here on this site: Titanium: How to add Contact in Phone book in Android?.

And it kinda works. The intent gets started. Only problem is, that android does not recognize most of the Extras i put in. So almost every field is blank.

So i was wondering if the keys are simply wrong, but there seems no proper documentation on appcelerator. Probably something has changed over the past years or i just missing something. Does anybody know how to do it the right way.

Code Snippet:

    var intent = Ti.Android.createIntent({
        action : '',
        data : 'mailto:' + contactModel.get('contact_first_name')  + ' ' + contactModel.get('contact_last_name') 

    intent.putExtra('email', contactModel.get('contact_email')); 
    intent.putExtra('email_type', 'Work');
    intent.putExtra('phone', contactModel.get('contact_mobile_number'));
    intent.putExtra('phone_type', 'mobile');
    intent.putExtra('name', contactModel.get('contact_first_name')  + ' ' + contactModel.get('contact_last_name') );
    intent.putExtra('address', addressModel.get('address_street') + ", " + addressModel.get('address_city'));
    intent.putExtra('address_type', 'Work'); 


Thx in advance. :)

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