jeudi 14 mai 2015

Additional Intents

Before I state my question, I would just like to say that I am fairly new to Android Studio and Java. I've just been learning as I go along and learning from my mistakes. So go easy on me, I am a newbie :P

So I've started a project in Android Studio. On my Main Activity I have created two buttons - 'Sign up' and 'Sign in'

Now I have successfully created and intent for my 'Sign up' button to go to a new activity (2nd activity)

but the problem is my 'Sign in' button. Why is it that when I click the 'Sign in' button it does not respond and go straight to another new activity (3rd activity), as I have created the onClickListener?

I have to click the 'Sign up' button which goes to the Sign up activity and then press 'back' AND THEN it allows me to click the Sign in button to go to the Sign in activity.

I really hope that makes sense.

I would be much appreciated if someone got back to me on that. It's probably a really simple fix, but as I said, I am a newbie shoulder shrug

However, for now I'll just tinker around and try to work it out

Thanks in advance!

(Let me know if you want me to post the relevant code).

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