samedi 23 mai 2015

How do anti-virus software programmatically scan code of installed android apps (without root privileges)?

There are several android anti-virus softwares which I know of e.g:

  • AVG Mobile
  • AVAST Software
  • McAfee (Intel Security)
  • Norton Mobile
  • Kaspersky Lаb


Each of which offer functionality to scan installed android applications for viruses etc. (even android devices which aren't rooted).

Screenshots proving the above are below:

But from what I know of apps installed on unrooted Android devices, one app can't access another installed app and its associated files e.g:

  • Pre-Install (i.e. Camera, Calendar, Browser,etc.) APK stored in /system/app/

  • User Install (ApiDemo,, etc.) APK stored in /data/app/

  • Package Manager create data directory /data/data// to store database, shared preference, native library and cache data

So how do applications like those described above, programmatically scan applications and their associated files as described above (Without root access)

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